🔥 Urgent! Protect Health Freedom in Massachusetts. Oppose SAPHE 2.0 the “Statewide Accelerated Public Health for Every Community Act” as written.
Ask Statehouse Leadership, the Joint Committee on Health Care Financing, and your own legislators to OPPOSE the Passage of “Statewide Accelerated Public Health for Every Community Act” (aka SAPHE 2.0) as written and to request that this bill be returned to the relevant committees for further study or amended to address the defects/issues outlined below.
It is now known that many COVID pandemic mandates and restrictions—despite bold promises of benefit to the public made at the time—ultimately proved ill-advised and harmful to individuals and the community. Lost jobs, bankrupted businesses, physical injury, psychological distress, isolation of dying family members, neglect of routine health maintenance care, and delays in children’s development are among the harmful effects. Caution, discernment, and localized responses are needed going forward, not increased powers for unelected officials to enact widescale mandates that bypass individual and community decision-making.